Hi Robert. The works of mine in the UHD show were meant to show our students my range/growth as an artist over the years (I teach at UHD). This is why there was also a painting from 1997, the embroidery from 2007, and two paintings from 2011 and 2016 as well. Additionally all my newer paintings were in the Inman Show. So I hope this explains the oddity of my placing older works in our faculty show.
Hi Robert. The works of mine in the UHD show were meant to show our students my range/growth as an artist over the years (I teach at UHD). This is why there was also a painting from 1997, the embroidery from 2007, and two paintings from 2011 and 2016 as well. Additionally all my newer paintings were in the Inman Show. So I hope this explains the oddity of my placing older works in our faculty show.